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Título Tipo/type Fecha límite Inicio Centro/Institution País/Country Descripción/Description Enlace/Link
Ingeniero/a de Control Hardware de JPCam Otros/Others 01/03/2019 07/02/2019 CEFCA España El Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) ofrece una plaza de Ingeniero/a de Control Hardware de JPCam. El CEFCA es un Centro de investigación en Astrofísica y Cosmología situado en Teruel (España), a cargo del diseño, construcción y explotación científica del Observatorio... + Información
Management of the PLATO Characterization and Operations Team (PCOT) Otros/Others 01/03/2019 28/11/2018 DLR (German Aerospace Center, Berlin) Alemania Your mission: The Institute of Planetary Research carries out and supports research programs on the internal structure, formation and evolution of the planets, their moons, and asteroids and comets. Techniques employed include remote sensing and in-situ investigations using instruments carried on... + Información
Two postdoctoral positions on planet formation in Chile. Theory and observations Postdoctoral 28/02/2019 28/01/2019 Universidad de Valparaiso and Pontificia Universidad Católica Chile The Núcleo Milenio for Planet Formation (NPF, ) multidisciplinary group, formed by researchers in Valparaíso and Santiago, Chile, invites applications to fill two postdoctoral positions. One position is for a theoretician interested in planet formation or protoplanetary disks, to... -
Post Doctoral Fellowship In Star Formation Postdoctoral 22/02/2019 28/01/2019 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Ireland The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship to work in star formation with support from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC Advanced Grant project Ejection Accretion Structures in YSOs (EASY) aims to understand the origin of outflows from young... -
Post Doctoral Fellowship In Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors Postdoctoral 22/02/2019 28/01/2019 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) Ireland The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship to work on the development of optical/near infrared microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) for use in astronomy. The project, which is in an new group, is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and is... -
Postdoctoral position in theoretical and numerical star formation Postdoctoral 18/02/2019 07/01/2019 The School of Physics and Astronomy at Cardiff University, United Kingdom Applications are invited for a three-year Post-Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) position in The School of Physics and Astronomy at Cardiff University, to work with Professor Anthony Whitworth , on theoretical and numerical star formation. This PDRA position is funded by a Consolidated Grant from... -
Postdoctoral position in theoretical and computational High- Energy Astrophysics Postdoctoral 15/02/2019 28/01/2019 Ireland The Astronomy & Astrophysics Section of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship and a PhD scholarship for research on theoretical and computational astrophysics in the group of Dr. Jonathan Mackey. The project, “High- Energy Radiation from... -
PhD positions in theoretical and computational High- Energy Astrophysics Predoctoral 15/02/2019 28/01/2019 Ireland The Astronomy & Astrophysics Section of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship and a PhD scholarship for research on theoretical and computational astrophysics in the group of Dr. Jonathan Mackey. The project, “High- Energy Radiation from... -
Deep investigation of HuBi 1, a Rosetta Stone to uncover the hidden population of born-again planetary nebulae (PhD project within the doctoral fellowship program INPhINIT "La Caixa".) Predoctoral 07/02/2019 07/11/2018 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA IAA-CSIC España Job Position Description The successful PhD candidate will affiliate to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IAA-CSIC) in Granada under the supervision of Dr. M.A. Guerrero. The research project to be carried out will be split into two... + Información
Galaxies in 3D across the Universe (PhD project within the doctoral fellowship program INPhINIT "La Caixa".) Predoctoral 06/02/2019 07/11/2018 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA IAA-CSIC España Job Position Description The LUCA is a survey of galaxies in the Local Volume (distance less than 10 Mpc) and the Virgo cluster. These galaxies will be observed with a new integral field spectrographs to be built for the 3.5m and the Schmidt telescopes at the Calar Alto Observatoy. The LUCA project... + Información
Exploring the spectroscopic diversity of quasars (PhD project within the doctoral fellowship program INPhINIT "La Caixa".) Predoctoral 06/02/2019 07/11/2018 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA IAA-CSIC España Job Position Description The thesis project will be developed within the AGN research group of the Department of Extragalactic Astronomy at IAA where we coordinate a national project titled "AGN near and far''. Studies extend from the central engine (SMBH) to the host galaxies and their... + Información
Physical properties of trans-neptunian objects (PhD project within the doctoral fellowship program INPhINIT "La Caixa") Predoctoral 06/02/2019 07/11/2018 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA IAA-CSIC España Job Position Description The candidate will start the formation with the processing and reduction of astronomical images taken at several telescopes. The main point will be the analysis of images for the prediction of stellar occultation by trans-neptunian objects (TNOs). The next step will be the... + Información
Exoplanets around small red dwarfs in the vicinity of the Solar System (PhD project within the doctoral fellowship program INPhINIT "La Caixa".) Predoctoral 06/02/2019 07/11/2018 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA IAA-CSIC España Job Position Description Therefore, we welcome graduates interested in research lines in astrophysics related with stellar physics (asteroseismology, magnetic activity), formation and evolution of planetary systems and their stars, (formation, characterization, evolution and dynamics of planets,... + Información
Massive stellar explosions and their environments: superluminous supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and gravitational wave sources (PhD project within the doctoral fellowship program INPhINIT "La Caixa".) Predoctoral 06/02/2019 07/11/2018 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA IAA-CSIC España Job Position Description The PhD position will be mainly observational and based on data spanning from UV-VIS-IR to radio. If there is interest, theoretical modelling can also be included in the project. The candidate will primarily work with spectral data, learning the whole process from reducing... + Información
Properties of the nuclear star cluster around the massive black hole at the Galactic Centre (PhD project within the doctoral fellowship program INPhINIT "La Caixa".) Predoctoral 06/02/2019 07/11/2018 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA IAA-CSIC España Job Position Description The offered position as PhD student will be located in the Galactic Centre group of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC). Our group is highly internationally connected, which close collaborators in Germany (Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg... + Información