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Empleos - becas

Título Tipo/type Fecha límite Inicio Centro/Institution País/Country Descripción/Description Enlace/Link
Postdoctoral Position in Cosmology Postdoctoral 14/01/2019 19/12/2018 Donostia International Physics Center Spain The "Donostia International Physics Center" (DIPC), located in Donostia/San Sebastian, Spain, is accepting applications for a postdoctoral position in Cosmology. Applicants with expertise in cosmological probes, numerical simulations, modelling of galaxy and dark matter structures, and/or data... + Información
Postdoc in the field of Star Formation and Early Evolution Postdoctoral 13/01/2019 26/12/2018 Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA-Porto) Portugal The call is open in the field of star formation and early evolution and the fellowship is to be started preferably in February 2019. The fellowship has a duration of 12 months. The fellowship renewal will depend on the evaluation of the work done and on a favorable evaluation of the research unit... -
Postdoctoral contract within the project Probing cosmic strings and other topological defects with gravitational waves - GWstrings Postdoctoral 11/01/2019 20/11/2018 Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA-Porto) Portugal The successful candidate is expected to pursue research on topics relevant to the project indicated above. The main objective of this project is to accurately characterize the gravitational wave signatures generated by topological defects, and to forecast the ability of LISA to probe cosmic defect... + Información
3 year Postdoctoral Position Funded by STFC Postdoctoral 10/01/2019 22/11/2018 University of Dundee United Kingdom We are looking for a motivated postdoc to join the Astrophysics group at the University of Dundee, UK, working on emission line tomography of young stars to study accretion, activity, and planet migration in the innermost disk. The successful candidate will work with Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar and Soko... -
One Postdoctoral Contract Space IR Missions I 2018 Postdoctoral 08/01/2019 05/12/2018 Spain The IAC (Tenerife) invites applications for ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the projects “IAC contribution to Space missions: Developments for SPICA and Athena, Herschel post-operations and multiwavelength scientific exploitation” (ESP2015-65597-C4-4-R) and “IAC contribution to... + Información
One Postdoctoral Contract Space IR Missions II 2018 Predoctoral 08/01/2019 05/12/2018 Spain The IAC (Tenerife) invites applications for ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the projects “IAC contribution to Space missions: Developments for SPICA and Athena, Herschel post-operations and multiwavelength scientific exploitation” (ESP2015-65597-C4-4-R) and “IAC contribution to... + Información
One Postdoctoral Contract Sinergia Project 2018 Postdoctoral 08/01/2019 19/11/2018 Spain The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias ( IAC , Tenerife, Spain) invites applications for ONE advanced postdoctoral contract to work in the project “ HPC-techniques for 3D modeling of resonance line polarization with Partial Frequency Redistribution ” . This research project is funded by the Swiss... -
One Postdoctoral Contract Local Group Project 2018 Postdoctoral 08/01/2019 22/11/2018 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Spain The IAC (Tenerife) invites applications for ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project “ The Local Group in Multi-Dimensions: Probing Galaxy Evolution with Structures, Chemo-dynamics and Star Formation Histories of resolved galaxies ” (AYA2017-89076-P)”, led by Dr Carme Gallart... -
ESAC Trainee Project 2019 Otros/Others 28/12/2018 07/11/2018 ESAC Spain The European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), near Madrid, Spain, offers a wide range of student placements (traineeships) each year. Trainees will contribute to missions such as Euclid, Gaia, INTEGRAL, JUICE, Rosetta, SOHO, XMM-Newton, and to teams such as CESAR, Galileo Science Office, IT, Space... + Información
6 months research fellowship position in the field of stars and stellar populations Otros/Others 17/12/2018 04/12/2018 Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA-Porto) Portugal This position is to carry on a short research project related to stars and stellar populations for candidates with a MSc degree level. More info in the following link -
Observer Support Assistant / Operador de Telescopio Otros/Others 17/12/2018 27/11/2018 Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes España El Grupo de Telescopios Isaac Newton ( ) invita solicitudes para un puesto de operador para el telescopio William Herschel (WHT). Ofrecemos un contrato eventual para cubrir una excedencia. Una oportunidad para aquellos que aspiren a adquirir una sólida experiencia profesional en la... + Información
Beca de doctorado en Surrey: "Determining the mass and shape of the Milky Way’s dark matter halo with tidal streams" Predoctoral 15/12/2018 07/11/2018 University of Surrey Reino Unido Por si es de vuestro interés Carme -------------------------------------------- Title: Determining the mass and shape of the Milky Way’s dark matter halo with tidal streams Text: Tidal streams form as globular clusters and dwarf galaxies disrupt around galaxies like our own. More than 50 streams... + Información
Faculty Positions (tenure and tenure-track) Otros/Others 30/11/2018 11/10/2018 Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Toledo (Ohio) Estados Unidos Job Announcement Text: The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Toledo (UT) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in astronomy/astrophysics, commencing August, 2019. We are seeking someone with a strong track record of research... + Información
One Postdoctoral Contract SO Exoplanetary Systems 2018 Postdoctoral 30/11/2018 25/10/2018 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Spain The IAC (Tenerife) invites applications for ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the research line “Exoplanetary Systems and Solar System” . This contract is financed by the " SEVERO OCHOA PROGRAM " (SEV-2015-0548), supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. It... + Información
One post-doctoral position at Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torun, Poland) on Star-Forming Regions in the Outer Galaxy Postdoctoral 23/11/2018 11/10/2018 Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Poland The Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, invites applications for a 3-year post-doctoral research fellow in studies of star-forming regions in the Outer Galaxy. The aim is to characterize gas and dust properties of star-forming... -