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Título Tipo/type Fecha límite Inicio Centro/Institution País/Country Descripción/Description Enlace/Link
Optical engineer Postdoctoral 09/10/2022 16/09/2022 UK ATC Optical Engineer - Careers Portal Careers + Información
La Caixa Junior Leader Fellowships at Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC) Postdoctoral 07/10/2022 15/09/2022 Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC) Spain Are you looking for a great postdoctoral opportunity? The “la Caixa” Foundation Postdoctoral Junior Leader Fellowships programme is offering 40 three-year postdoctoral fellowships (25 in the Incoming programme and 15 in the Retaining programme) to support the best scientific talents to conduct... + Información
Postdoctoral position in High-Energy Astrophysics (XMM2ATHENA) at Strasbourg Postdoctoral 30/09/2022 24/08/2022 Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg France Title: Postdoctoral position in High-Energy Astrophysics (xmm2athena) General information Reference : UMR7550-ADANEB-002 Workplace : STRASBOURG Date of publication : Monday, August 8, 2022 Type of Contract : FTC Scientist Contract Period : 12 months Expected date of employment : 1 September 2022... + Información
ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science Postdoctoral 19/09/2022 26/08/2022 European Space Agency Spain We are pleased to inform you about the opening of the call for European Space Agency's Research Fellowships in Space Science with an application deadline on 19 September 202 2 . ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme offers early career scientists and engineers the possibility to carry... + Información
Contrato predoctoral FPI (PRE2021-098354) Predoctoral 19/09/2022 05/09/2022 Universitat de les Illes Balears España El proyecto PID2020-112791GB-I00 “Dynamical processes in the solar atmosphere” dispone de un contrato FPI para realizar una tesis doctoral. El objetivo de la tesis es la caracterización de las condiciones bajo las que los bucles coronales pueden alcanzar un estado de equilibrio o, por el contrario... -
Postdoctoral positions on extragalactic astronomy at the National Observatory of Athens Postdoctoral 15/09/2022 22/06/2022 National Observatory of Athens Greece Applications are invited for two post-doctoral positions at the Institute of Astronomy Astrophysics Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA). Successful applicants will work with Dr. Antonis Georgakakis within the X-ray group of the IAASARS on the... + Información
One Postdoctoral Contract LCOGT 2022 (PS-2022-078) Postdoctoral 11/09/2022 03/08/2022 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Spain The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work in the framework on the “LCOGT-IAC” agreement” (P/301503/03), led by the current scientific responsible, Dr. Enric Pallé, within the research line “ Solar System and Exoplanets: Support and scientific exploitation of the Las Cumbres... + Información
Postdoc position on ASTRI Mini-Array at Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Postdoctoral 11/09/2022 27/07/2022 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias España Dear colleagues, We are offering a postdoc position at Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) to work on the ASTRI Mini-Array currently under construction at Observatorio del Teide (Tenerife, Spain). The ASTRI Mini-Array is composed of 9 small size Cherenkov telescopes, you can find information... + Información
One Postdoctoral Contract Evolution of Galaxies WEAVE 2022 (PS-2022-079) Postdoctoral 04/09/2022 03/08/2022 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Spain The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Starbursts: Evolution of Galaxies. Spectroscopy with WEAVE" . The contract is co-funded by the projects “Reionización of the Universe” (ProID2021010077) and “WEAVE cluster surveys: A new... + Información
One Postdoctoral Contract AS IAC-NOT 2022 (PS-2022-077) Postdoctoral 04/09/2022 03/08/2022 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Spain The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work in the framework of the “IAC-NOT Agreement” (P/301503), led by the scientific manager Dr. Alex Oscoz, within the Telescopic Operations group on the research line "Operation and exploitation of telescope infrastructures: Nordic Telescope... + Información
One Postdoctoral Contract Galaxias Activas 2022 (PS-2022-065) Postdoctoral 31/08/2022 18/07/2022 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Spain The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Nuclear activity in galaxies: impact of winds on star formation”, led by Dr. Cristina Ramos Almeida. This contract will be fund with the projects “Feedback and molecular gas reserves in... + Información
Post-doc position on X-ray emission from the Milky Way in the Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (INAF, Italy) Postdoctoral 31/08/2022 22/07/2022 Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (INAF) Italy Applications are invited for a post doctoral position on X-ray emission from the Milky Way, the Galactic center and the Galactic outflow, within the framework of the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera. INAF is a world leading institute, the primary and... + Información
Contrato Investigador no doctor UPV/EHU: atmósferas de Urano y Neptuno - Elkartek 21/87 Otros/Others 31/08/2022 05/08/2022 Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU España Se acaba de publicar un contrato de Personal Investigador Contratado para trabajar en el Grupo de Ciencias Planetarias de la UPV/EHU. Buscamos un graduado en Física o Ingeniería , a ser posible que tenga conocimientos de atmósferas planetarias para trabajar modelizando el espectro reflejado por las... + Información
Optical Engineer, Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes Otros/Others 15/08/2022 08/07/2022 Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes España The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes ( ING ) invites applications for the post of Optical Engineer. We are seeking a motivated engineer who will contribute to the fine tuning, maintenance and upgrades of new ambitious facility instrumentation and will contribute to the optical maintenance of ING’s... + Información
PhD position in Observational Cosmology at CIEMAT (Madrid) Predoctoral 01/08/2022 11/07/2022 CIEMAT España The CIEMAT–FP Unit (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, MedioAmbientales y Tecnológicas - Física de Partículas) announces an opening for a predoctoral position for EU nationals with a Master's degree in Physics (according to the Bologna declaration) interested in working in observational... + Información