[Apologies if you receive this message multiple times]
Dear colleague,
The Extragalactic Astrophysics and Observational Cosmology Group at the University of València (Spain) invites applications for up to two post-doctoral positions to work with Dr. Mauro Stefanon, on the project "Star-formation Efficiency in the Epoch of Reionization" (SFEER - PI: M. Stefanon), funded by the European Research Council.
The successful candidates will be involved in the characterization of high-redshift galaxies using both proprietary JWST/IFU and public NIRCam data, complemented by observations with Euclid and other wide-field instruments. The projects develop in a collaborative environment at international level (REBELS, FRESCO, UNCOVER, Euclid). Candidates with expertise in spectral or multi-wavelength photometric analysis, spectral energy distribution fitting, and estimate of physical properties of distant galaxies are especially encouraged to apply.
These positions are for a period of up to 5 years contingent upon satisfactory performance and mutual agreement, and come with generous funding for traveling to conferences and personal computing facilities. The anticipated start date is March 2024, negotiable.
Interested applicants should send their CV, a cover letter, and a brief (2 pages max) statement of research interests merged into a single pdf document to Mauro Stefanon ( by January 19, 2024, mentioning "SFEER Postdoctoral position" in the subject. Reference letters from two referees will be solicited after an initial assessment, and are therefore not required by the deadline.
Inquiries about the application process, scientific project, and conditions of employment can be addressed to Dr. Mauro Stefanon (
The University of València is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion encouraging applications from women and/or other underrepresented groups.
Best regards,
Mauro Stefanon