Applications are invited for two post-doctoral positions at the Institute
of Astronomy Astrophysics Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS)
of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA). Successful applicants will
work with Dr. Antonis Georgakakis within the X-ray group of the IAASARS
on the broad areas of AGN demographics and AGN variability. The work
involves the analysis of X-ray and multi-wavelength observations to
characterize large AGN samples as well as the development of models for
the interpretation of the observational data in the context of AGN
evolution. Collaboration with the University Federico II of Naples and the
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics is foreseen.
Prospective candidates can apply via email by sending a curriculum vitae,
a summary of research interests (limited to 3 pages) and a list of
publications (all as pdf files) to Mrs. Maria Vasilaki (
before Sept. 15th 2022. Please also arrange for two letters of reference
to be sent to the same email address by the above deadline.
For mode details see: