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E-ROAD Project Scientist

The Astronomy Department of Leiden University
Países Bajos
Fecha inicio solicitud: 
Mar, 04/06/2024
Fecha límite solicitud: 
Lun, 01/07/2024


The Astronomy Department of Leiden University seeks a Project Scientist
for the International Astronomical Union (IAU) European Regional Office
of Astronomy for Development (E-ROAD), hosted by Leiden University, in
partnership with the European Astronomical Society and funded by the
Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA).

The E-ROAD is one of a global network of 10 regional offices,
coordinated by the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development in Cape Town,
South Africa. See

The E-ROAD Project Scientist will have responsibility for initiating and
coordinating Astronomy for Development projects throughout Europe and
integrating them into the global IAU Astronomy for Development strategy.
The position offers a unique opportunity for someone with a background
in astronomy, broad international interests, good communicative skills
and enthusiasm to innovate and mobilise the European astronomical
community in helping to advance the UN SDGs.

Contact: Pedro Russo <>


Very many thanks.

Pedro Russo and George Miley, Leiden Observatory