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PD Astrofísica Estelar Universidad de Florida

Universidad de Florida
United States
Fecha inicio solicitud: 
Mié, 17/03/2021
Fecha límite solicitud: 
Jue, 15/04/2021


En el marco del Acuerdo entre el IAC y la Universidad de Florida, la UFL contratará a un investigador postdoctoral español para trabajar con la Dra. Rana Ezzeddine y su
grupo de Astrofísica Estelar en proyectos relacionados con la espectroscopía estelar y la Arqueología de galaxias. (Ver descripción abajo)

Los investigadores interesados enviarán a a  la siguiente documentación en inglés, antes del 15 de abril a las 14:00:
- CV (incluyendo lista de publicaciones)
- Breve resumen de sus actividades relacionadas con este campo (max 3 páginas)
- 3 cartas de referencia

Finalizado el plazo se enviará la documentación recibida a la Univ. de Florida para su evaluación y posterior selección del candidato/a.


UF (IAC protocol) Postdoctoral posiTon Ad (R. Ezzeddine Group)

A Post-doctoral Associate position is available in Stellar Astrophysics to work on projects related to stellar spectroscopy and Galactic Archaeology led by Dr. Rana Ezzeddinein the Department of Astronomy at the University of Florida.
The applicant must have PhD in astrophysics or closely related field by the date of appointment.

Experience with stellar spectroscopy, chemical abundances, physics of stellar atmospheres (NLTE and/or 3D radia0ve transfer), chemical and dynamical studies of the Milky Way structure is preferred.

Selected candidate will have the privileged access to the 10m Gran Telescopio Canarias, and are encouraged to lead proposals as Principal Investigators. They will collaborate on various interdisciplinary research projects with Dr. Ezzeddine who is involved in a number of large science collabora0ons and surveys,including the R-Process Alliance (RPA), Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE), DESI, as well as the JINA-CEE and IRENA networks.

This position will be initially awarded for one year, and, contingent upon strong performance and conduct and availability of funds, may be renewed for up to three years.

For full consideration, applications must be submitted online to the IAC and must include:

(1) a short (limited to three pages) statement of scien0fic interests,

(2) a CV including list of publica0ons,

(3) three letters of reference to be provided separately by the same date.

Applications will be reviewed beginning April15th, 2021 and decisions made by end of April. The position is expected to start in Autumn 2021.

For addi0onal informa0on you may address your specific ques0ons to Dr. Rana Ezzeddine (

All candidates for employment are subject to a pre-employment screening which includes a review of criminal records, reference checks, and verifica0on of education.

The selected candidate will be required to provide an official transcript to the hiring department upon hire. A transcript will not be considered “official” if a designa0on of “Issued to Student” is visible. Degrees earned from an educational institution outside of the United States require evaluation by a professional creden0aling service provider approved by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), which can be found at hWp://

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to building a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. Searches are conducted in accordance with Florida's Sunshine Law. If an accommoda0on due to disability is needed in order to apply for this position, please call (352) 392-2477 or the Florida Relay System at (800) 955-8771 (TDD).
The Department par0cularly welcomes applicants who can contribute to a diverse and inclusive environment through their scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and professional service. The university and greater Gainesville communities enjoy a diversity of cultural events, restaurants, year-round outdoor recreational ac0vi0es, and social opportuni0es.