The Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço opens a call for granting 4 PhD Studentships, in the areas of Formation and Stellar Evolution, Planetary Systems, Galaxies and Cosmology, respectively.
The research activities leading to acquiring the Phd degree must be part of the work plan and strategy of the Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, and carried out within the scope of the following PhD programs:
• PhD Program in Astronomy at the University of Porto (Programa de Doutoramento em Astronomia da Universidade do Porto)
• PhD Program in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Lisbon (Programa de Doutoramento em Astronomia e Astrofísica da Universidade de Lisboa)
The work plan may take place entirely or partially in a national institution (scholarship in the country or mixed scholarship, respectively).
As a rule, the duration of the studentships is annual, renewable up to a maximum number of four years (48 months), and cannot be granted for a period less than 3 consecutive months.
To apply the Phd Studentship it is necessary to hold a graduate and/or master degrees in the area of Astronomy, Physics or in areas considered to be related;
In case of foreign academic degrees, and to guarantee the application of the principle of equal treatment to applicants with national and foreign academic degrees, it is mandatory to submit the recognition of such degrees and the conversion to the respective final grade to the Portuguese grading scale. The IA will help the candidates in the process of recognizing diplomas. We encourage foreigner candidates to contact us much earlier than the deadline so there is enough time to complete the process of recognitizion by the time of submission.
Here you can find the links to the position in each sub-field