PhD Position in Cosmology

Fecha inicio solicitud: 
Jue, 01/07/2021
Fecha límite solicitud: 
Mar, 27/10/2020


The Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria offers a 4-year PhD grant, associated with the Maria Maeztu, to work on dark matter reserach using astrophysical probes. In particular, the student will work on a new area exploiting the possibilities of fast radio bursts as probes of primordial black holes, a leading candidate for dark matter. The student will create state of the art numerical simulations of interference of fast radio bursts that intersect dar matter alog the line of sight.  This is a new technique to study dark matter that has not been studied in detail, but that will become a powerful dark matter probe in the next years, with the arrival of new data oin the still intriguing fast radio bursts. A strong background on programming is highlly desireable, but not required.


Applications must be submitted online at the URL of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Reference: MDM-2017-0765-20-2Hidden Nature/Constituents of the Universe)

Interested candidates are ncouraged to contact the P.I, Jose M. Diego at, to enquire about details of this grant, providing the following information

    - Curriculum vitae

    - Statement of reserach interests

    - Copies of university grades, certificates and/or diplomas;