The Astrophysics Department of the Astrobiology Center (CAB/CSIC-INTA), Madrid, Spain, offers a 3-year postdoctoral position to investigate the connection between star-formation, AGN, and gas outflows/inflows (feedback) in ultra-luminous infrared galaxies using high-spatial resolution observations. The successful candidate will work with Dr. Miguel Pereira-Santaella and his research group.
The postdoc will analyze already available ALMA data for a sample of about 40 local U/LIRGs and complementary data from HST and ESO facilities. This dataset represents the largest sample of ULIRGs observed at 100-500 pc resolution by ALMA where it is possible to spatially resolve the high-velocity outflowing molecular gas as well as giant molecular cloud associations. She/he will be expected to develop new analysis techniques and models to interpret these data and lead follow up observing programs. CAB has access to facilities such as ALMA, IRAM, ESO/VLT, GTC, ING and CAHA telescopes.
Our group is also heavily involved in the development of HARMONI (the first-light near-IR integral field spectrograph of the ELT). The postholder is also expected to develop new science cases and simulations for ELT/HARMONI.
Candidates must hold a PhD in Astronomy or Physics, and preferably experience in submm/mm data reduction and/or multi-wavelength analysis techniques.
The gross yearly salary will be approximately 32400€. The job will start around June 2020.
Applicants should submit a CV, publication list, and a research statement (no longer than 2 pages), and provide 2 letters of reference, to be emailed to . All applications received before January 19, 2020 will be considered.