Dear Colleagues,
This is the second announcement for the VII Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology, that will take place in Madrid (Spain) from September 9th through 11th, 2019 at the Physics building of the Universidad Complutense. Registration is now open at:
The fee is 70 euros, and includes coffee breaks and a conference dinner which will take place on Tuesday 10th. The deadline for registration with contributed talks is June 30th 2019. There is some funding available for students to cover the fee and shared lodging at a nearby hotel. PhD students and young postdocs are encouraged to apply for this with a contributed talk also by June 30th 2019 (register as "invited" until your grant is confirmed). Registration deadline without a talk is September 1st.
These annual meetings aim to provide a venue for discussion and exchange of ideas among the Spanish community of Physical Cosmology, bringing as well lead scientists from abroad in the topics of interest. This forum is intended to help us identify our challenges and opportunities for the future. It is being co-organized and co-funded by the María de Maeztu CIEMAT Física de Partículas Unit, Instituto de Física de Partículas y del Cosmos (IPARCOS) of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the MultiDark network.
During the meeting, we will review different aspects of particular interest in cosmology: the status of dark energy and its alternatives, gravitational waves, the robustness of the LCDM model after the latest results and news from projects at different stages of development. The structure of the meeting will be with 'plenary' presentations (no parallels) including a few keynote and invited speakers which currently include:
* Belén Barreiro (IFCA)
* Martín Crocce (IEEC-CSIC)
* Eleonora di Valentino (University of Manchester)
* Pedro Ferreira (University of Oxford)
* Michele Maggiore (Université de Genève)
* Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde (IFT)
For any queries, please do contact us at this address:
Feel free to send this announcement to any other colleagues that might be interested (thanks!).
Aurelio Carnero Rosell (CIEMAT)
Pilar Coca Llano (CIEMAT)
Susana Hernández (IFT)
Antonio López Maroto (UCM)
Jose Alberto Ruiz Cembranos (UCM)
Eusebio Sánchez Álvaro (CIEMAT)
Ignacio Sevilla Noarbe (CIEMAT)