Pascal Oesch group.
"I am seeking to recruit 2-3 postdocs over the next 4-5 years to work in my group at the University of Geneva as part of my ERC Consolidator and SNSF projects with the aim to understand the first galaxies, their connection to the underlying DM halos, and the topology of reionization. In particular, the goal is to use the first datasets from JWST (including the PANORAMIC and FRESCO surveys), before including wider area data from Euclid and MOONS.
At least one of the positions can be offered at the level of maître assistant (Research Fellow), including supervision of a PhD student, and can be extended for up to 5 years.
Applications received by May 2 will receive full consideration, but the positions will remain open until filled. The ideal starting date would be later in 2022, but this is negotiable."
Please forward this mail to potentially interested candidates with the link to the ad:
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