Dear all,
This is the final announcement for the IAU symposium titled “Black hole winds at all scales”, to be held in Haifa, Israel, on March 12-16 2023. Abstract deadline has been extended to January 18th, while registration deadline is on March 5th.
The goal of the IAU symposium in Haifa is to better understand black hole winds by seeking common physical grounds for different outflows, in both stellar (X-ray binaries) and Supermassive (active galaxies) black holes, at all wavelengths, and in the context of competing theoretical models. The connection of black hole winds to star formation, galactic feedback, and relativistic jets will be discussed among observers, modelers, and theoreticians.This is a timely symposium given the progress forecasted with new and upcoming observing facilities such as JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) and XRISM (X-Ray Imaging Spectroscopy Mission), but also with the large-sample data from existing observatories such as Chandra, XMM Newton, NuStar, and NICER in X-rays; HST and ground based telescopes in the optical and UV, along with new instruments such as MUSE, MEGARA, and Simphoni; ALMA, and NOEMA in the mm; New facilities such as WSRT/APERTIF, and the SKA precursors, MeerKAT, ASKAP and MWA in the radio.
Key topics
The key topics and questions to be discussed in the various sessions of the symposium are:
• The multi-wavelength picture of outflows, from relativity to molecules
• Spectroscopic methods for diagnosing outflows, what can we measure?
• Outflows from stellar black holes vs. those of AGN, similar or not?
• AGN outflows in AGN context, are they connected to the accretion disk, BLR, torus, NLR?
• Radio outflows and jets, is all radio emission relativistic and beamed?
• Feedback of AGN outflows, do they influence the galaxy? are there cosmological consequences?
• Theory of outflows, what is the launching mechanism, and can theory provide refutable predictions?
We invite you to join us in Haifa to discuss these exciting topics with the top class experts in the field.
List of confirmed invited speakers: Marcella Brusa, Nahum Arav, Steve Kraemer, Pierre-Olivier Petrucci, Demos Kazanas, Hagai Netzer, Francesca Panessa, Katherine Blundell, Chiara Feruglio, Chris Harrison, Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere, Daniel Proga, Philip Hopkins
The conference fee is 160 Euro for those registering before January 23, 2023, and 210 Euro thereafter.
For more information, see our website
For Important dates
To register, go to:
Looking forward to meeting you in Haifa,
Scientific Organizing Committee
Ehud Behar, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Israel (chair)
Gabriele Bruni, INAF Italy (co-chair)
Yair Krongold, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico (co-chair)
Anna Lia Longinotti, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico (co-chair)
Susanne Aalto, Chalmers University Sweden
Maria Diaz Trigo, ESO Germany
Christine Done, University of Durham United Kingdom
Keigo Fukumura, James Madison University United States
Sibasish Laha, NASA – Goddard Space Flight Center United States
Jon Miller, University of Michigan United States
Raffaella Morganti, ASTRON Netherlands
Gabriele Ponti, INAF Italy
Daniel Proga, University of Nevada United States
Francesco Tombesi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata Italy
Alexander Wagner, University of Tsukuba Japan