The Galactic Center Workshop will be held in the Parque de las Ciencias (Granada) from Monday April 24th, to Friday, April 28th, 2023.
The Galactic Center has often been called a "unique astrophysical laboratory”. This is as true as ever and the Galactic Center keeps providing rich inspiration and data to study an impressive number of science questions. In this conference we will review the progress in our field over that past four years and focus on some spectacular results. We will also link the physics of the Galactic Center to other galactic nuclei and galaxy evolution in general. The last meeting of the Galactic Center community took place in Yokohama in October 2019 (GCWS 2019 It is high time for the next edition of this series of conferences, which will be held in Granada, Spain, at the end of April 2023.
Main science topics:
- Sagittarius A*
- The Inner Parsec
- The ISM and magnetic fields at the GC
- Star formation and feedback
- High energy processes, Dark Matter
- Extreme/singular objects
- Stellar population and dynamics
- Structure and formation history of the GC
- The GC in the context of nearby nuclei and galaxy evolution
- Zhen Cao, PI LHAASSO
- Vitor Cardoso, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Maïca Clavel, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
- Frank Eisenhauer MPE, Germany
- José Luis Gómez, IAA-CSIC, Spain
- Jonathan Henshaw MPIA, Germany
- Cornelia Lang, University of Iowa, USA
- Steve Longmore Liverpool, John Moores University, UK
- Michela Mapelli University of Padova, Italy
- Sera Markoff, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Smadar Naoz, UCLA, USA
- Nadine Neumayer MPIA, Germany
- Masayoshi Nobukawa Nara University of Education
- Tomoharu Oka, Keio University, Japan
- Subhashis Roy, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India
- Rainer Schödel (Chair), IAA-CSIC, Spain