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Empleos - becas

Título Tipo/type Fecha límite Inicio Centro/Institution País/Country Descripción/Description Enlace/Link
INPhINIT Incoming PhD Fellowship: "CosmoHub next generation: Enabling open science, analysis and data management in the Big Data era for multi-messenger Astronomy" Predoctoral 04/02/2021 09/11/2020 Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE) España The "Institut de Física d'Altes Energies" (IFAE) in Barcelona welcomes applications for a three-years PhD position in Multi-Messenger data analysis in Big Data technologies within the framework of the “Doctorate INPhINIT Programme” from the La Caixa Foundation. The doctoral fellowship programme... + Información
Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowships - Incoming: "The role of angular momentum in galaxy evolution: A study of neutral gas in isolated galaxies with Square Kilometre Array (SKA) pathfinders" Predoctoral 04/02/2021 09/11/2020 INSTITUTO DE ASTROFÍSICA DE ANDALUCÍA (IAA-CSIC) España The proposed PhD project aims to define the role of angular momentum in key aspects of galaxy evolution (fully aligned with SKA Prioritized Goals), by paying a special attention to a careful definition of the environment of the target sample and its associated characteristics. The applicant will... + Información
Post-doctoral position in extragalactic astrophysics at the STAR Institute of the University of Liège, Belgium Postdoctoral 31/01/2021 14/12/2020 Université de Liège Bélgica We are seeking for a talented researcher to analyze various data sets of microlensed quasars. Specifically, the candidate is expected to work on the development of innovative tools to extract constraints on the accretion disc, broad line region and/or outflows from microlensed spectra. ▾ more... + Información
Two postdoctoral positions in High-Energy Astrophysics at MPE Postdoctoral 31/01/2021 07/12/2020 MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, GARCHING Alemania Postdoctoral positions in High-Energy Astrophysics MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, GARCHING TYPE OF JOB SCIENTIST Astronomy & Astrophysics Complex Systems Job Code: 29/2020 Job offer from November 30, 2020 Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions in the High-... + Información
4 Phd positions in Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (Portugal) - different topics Predoctoral 31/01/2021 16/11/2020 Portugal The Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço opens a call for granting 4 PhD Studentships , in the areas of Formation and Stellar Evolution, Planetary Systems, Galaxies and Cosmology, respectively. The research activities leading to acquiring the Phd degree must be part of the work plan and... + Información
Post-doctoral position in extragalactic astrophysics at the STAR Institute of the University of Liège, Belgium Postdoctoral 31/01/2021 14/12/2020 Université de Liège Bélgica We are seeking for a talented researcher to analyze various data sets of microlensed quasars. Specifically, the candidate is expected to work on the development of innovative tools to extract constraints on the accretion disc, broad line region and/or outflows from microlensed spectra. ▾ more... + Información
Miniaturised power converter modules for interplanetary missions Otros/Others 21/01/2021 14/01/2021 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía España IAA-CSIC offers an engineer contract in the framework of the Project “Severo Ochoa”. Candidates are expected to carry out their activity in the field of the design of power supplies for space applications. Candidates should have a good familiarity with ESA missions’ characteristics and requirements... + Información
Mechanical engineer & quality assurance for aerospace instrumentation. Otros/Others 21/01/2021 14/01/2021 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía España IAA-CSIC offers an engineer contract in the framework of the Project “Severo Ochoa”. Candidates are expected to carry out their activity in the field of: - Mechanical engineering, - finite element method (thermal and mechanical), - knowledge in aerospace instrumentation, - and quality assurance... + Información
Astrónomo Técnico (Incorporación inmediata) Otros/Others 20/01/2021 07/01/2021 Centro Astronómico Hispano-Alemán, A.I.E. España Su misión incluye el control y vigilancia del instrumental científico y los telescopios necesarios para la observación astronómica, de manera que estén siempre en disposición de uso óptimo, y la asistencia y ayuda al astrónomo visitante conforme a las instrucciones técnicas que reciba de éste... -
Profesor Ayudante Doctor Otros/Others 19/01/2021 31/12/2020 Universidad de Cantabria España Plazas de Profesor Ayudante Doctor en la Universidad de Cantabria: + 1 plaza. Área de Matemática Aplicada, Dpto. de Matemática Aplicada y Ciencias de la Computación. Perfil docente: Cálculo y Estadística. Perfil investigador:... -
Programa Atraccíon de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid. Grupo High-z JWST. Centro de Astrobiología. 10/01/2021 21/12/2020 Centro de Astrobiología The regional government of Madrid will soon (January 2021) be offering postdoc positions within the "Attraction of Talent program", aimed at hiring experienced international researchers. The program offers two types of contracts, with the following basic characteristics: Modality 1: - Independent... -
Two postdoc positions on the co-evolution of galaxies and their central black holes at the University of Edinburgh Postdoctoral 08/01/2021 07/12/2020 University of Edinburgh Reino Unido We seek applications for two Postdoctoral Research Associate positions at the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh to carry out research into the co-evolution of galaxies and their central black holes. The successful candidates will join a newly established research group, led by... + Información
Grupo Isaac Newton: operador telescopio Otros/Others 07/01/2021 30/12/2020 Isaac Newton Group, La Palma España El Grupo de Telescopios Isaac Newton (ING) ofrece un puesto temporal, a tiempo parcial, de Operador de Telescopio (asistente de observación). Con posibilidad de extensión. Notad la brevedad del plazo de solicitud. The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING) invites applications for the post of... + Información
Postdocs in high-z studies with JWST Postdoctoral 05/01/2021 16/12/2020 University of Manchester United Kingdom Applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions to work on the properties and evolution of distant galaxies through cosmic time, with a focus on utilizing data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The successful applicant will work with guaranteed time observations (GTO), early... + Información
PhD Positions at Clemson University Predoctoral 01/01/2021 16/10/2020 Clemson University Estados Unidos The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Clemson University (a Carnegie RI Research University) invites applications for several PhD positions starting in Aug. 2021. The department has strong research interests in Astronomy, Laboratory Astrophysics, Space and Atmospheric Physics, Biophysics and... + Información