El Observatorio Espacial de Onsala ofrece dos PUESTOS PERMANENTES de científico de soporte en el Nodo Nórdico del ALMA Regional Center. Estas plazas están relacionadas con la posición que yo mismo he ocupado estos últimos siete años en el ARC (y que ahora dejo para volver a España). A todos aquellos posibles interesados, con background en Radioastronomía e Interferometría (y a los que no os importe el frío y la oscuridad invernal), os animo a aplicar. El texto base es:
Job Announcement Text:
We are looking for two permanent staff scientists (Senior Research Engineers) to join the Nordic ALMA Regional Centre (ARC) node. The Nordic ARC node is hosted by Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) - the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy, hosted by Chalmers University of Technology.
Job description
The successful applicants will be members of the Nordic ARC node and will be involved in all the regular activities within the node, in particular quality assessment of ALMA data from Nordic projects, face-to-face user support, software tool development, contact scientist activities, and community training and outreach.
ARC node work will focus on giving direct user support on all levels to visiting users who received ALMA data or want to harvest data from the ALMA archive, and the development of software tools to improve data quality and to aid the analysis of the data. The position may also involve duties in OSO’s other activities.
The ALMA support is on a 70 % level. The remaining 30 % can be used for the applicant's own research, ideally related to one of the research topics covered by the astronomy units.
The successful applicant has a doctoral degree in astronomy or a closely related field. The candidate should have good knowledge in the calibration and analysis of ALMA or other interferometric data, on a level that allows the candidate to provide advanced user support. Ideally the successful candidate has experience from working within ALMA. Candidates with a strong interferometric background from other observatories will also be considered.
Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.
The position is a full-time permanent employment.
La web donde aplicar es: